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Sign up to CARE workshops in Tūranganui-ā-Kiwa!

Karanga mai Te Tairāwhiti!

Team Home Ground are grateful to return to Tūranganui-ā-Kiwa for our 3 day CARE workshop with HOEA!

If you are a wāhine on community sentence/supervision in the Gisborne community, we would love to welcome you to our wānanga to try new art forms and celebrate your creativity!

Come and explore yourself through art and creativity and get to know your community!

If you have whānau or friends looking for some connection, let them know that Home Ground is coming to town.

Tana, Jacqui and Pip will be representing team Home Ground, while collaborating with the amazing artists at HOEA! Gallery.

It is a FREE 3-day programme with yummy kai and your very own art kit to keep you on the creative path.

Home Ground runs creativity and wellbeing programmes for women in the justice system, this is a great way to try it out, and if you like it, join up for our next three-week big project (available online anywhere in Aotearoa).


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