Roseanne, our creative advisor and queen of admin, has just returned from Samoa! We were so excited and inspired by the creative presents she brought back, we asked her to write a blog about it!
If my year thus far is a reflection of what is to come for Home Ground, then we’re in for a mighty busy yet fulfilling time!
At the end of February I flew to Samoa with my family, after 3 years of not seeing my parents due to covid restrictions. I spent 20 days with my family in stunning Samoa with all its breathtaking beauty, language challenges, cultural practices, new experiences and of course, zooming in, (connections allowing), to spend online time with Home Ground.
Amongst the hub bub of life, I was able to see the true blessings in my life, and to focus on all that is good, whilst recognising that I don’t live in a bubble and life happens - sh*t happens - but then I find a way through and beyond. The constant of life: struggle, survival and coming out the other end with so much learning and experience.
On my return to Aotearoa, I was able to bring a part of Samoa back for my Home Ground aiga.
Handmade, from hospital x-ray stencils, paint rolled delicately in brightly coloured hues, emblazoned with a reflection of what is near and dear to me throughout my creative journey - the constant that has supported, grounded and opened up opportunities to further explore the woman and artist I am - Home Ground.
My nephew Tagaloa Eneliko and his wife Pauline, with their 6 children under 17, run a screen printing business in Samoa - nothing compared to what we perceive here in New Zealand - but a humble Samoan fale supplied with fabric to paint and create their landscapes and designs to be worn.
They run a little shop, a glorified shed in New Zealand standards - selling their graphic prints and vegetables, side by side, on the edge of the road.
And so our gift, from them, through me, to Home Ground are these lava lava - given and received with gratitude, sparking possibilities and opportunities.
As time goes by, the colours may fade, the fabric may wear, but the story of their creation and the joy they gave, will remain.
Faafetai lava Tagaloa and Pauline, these gifts are received with alofa and gratitude, and will become part of the treasure chest that is Home Ground! The whole team loves them!
The picture above shows the HG team at a recent event, featuring our love for these lavalava!
We love watching the process of creativity- here is a video of screen printing in action.